Teens can earn points as a squad or as individuals. Teens personally may earn points by memorizing verses and bringing visitors, among other things. As teams, the teens may earn points by winning games as well as evangelistic outreach.
We reward teens for Christian effort. The results, you will see, are wonderful. In following the teaching of James 1:22, the teen learns that he or she is to be a "doer of the Word and not a hearer only." In other words, we hear your talk but we want to see your walk! And, yes, the program is designed to help the teen to do the things that they have been reading about.
The great thing about Doulos Project is that the teens learn in a group mode. While you, the youth director, head up the overall ministry, the groups work together to come to goals, both Biblical and otherwise.
Epsilon Delta has members which will be giving a two-minute challenge, giving announcements, and taking prayer requests this Wednesday. Last week, Omega Rho won the poster contest. Last Sunday, the Phi Beta choir sang a special in the morning service. On Saturday morning, Zeta Chi will be visiting a children's hospital.