Here's a true story for you, youth pastor:
Shawn went to his high school , but could really care less about it. He was what you might call 'mediocre.' He tried out for the basketball team but didn't even make the JV squad. He tried to get interested in one of the clubs at school but Film Club, Chess Club, Theater Group...he had no interest in them.
Man! This is his sophomore year! Will he go through this meaningless feeling for the next two years?
But then something happened.
Shawn visited a new church youth group on a Wednesday night. He walked through the doors, expecting pretty much the same greeting he usually got with the church he formerly attended... which was no greeting at all.
But something…well, that night, something was different.
He stopped at the doorway and peered in. The teens were excited and in good spirits. One group near a window seemed to be intently studying Scripture. The teens in the group next to the doorway had red jerseys on and were practicing cheers. He saw Greek letters on one of the blue sweatshirts that passed him by. Nobody seemed left out. Everybody was charged up. He stood still and thought it out.Never seen anything like this before. Looks like four groups in all, but there's no bickering or smart-mouth talk. Lots of noise and lots of cheerfulness. They really enjoy this.
Then they spot Shawn.
Excited yelps came from each group as teens ran toward him.
"Hey, man! Glad to have you - be our guest! Come sit with Phi Beta!"
"Naw, sit with us. We're Zeta Chi! We're the best and we want the best…you!" "Welcome to the youth group, man! Join us - we're Ep Delta!"
"Over here!"
"No! Come with us! Omega Rho! We're in first place!"
Shawn is stunned. He's never had so much attention in his life.Shawn finally decides to sit with Phi Beta for the night ("Awright! Shawn's with us! You need a Bible, man?") and immediately gets involved in the collegian trivia challenge. He helps his team get second place overall when he correctly gets the answer to a Michael Jordan question and a Babe Ruth challenge.
Shawn notices that the Bible study by the youth leader is intense, with different members of these four groups asking questions; after the study, a member from the red team - Epsilon Delta - leads the group in prayer time.
Another Ep Delta member named Terry gives the announcements. Then there is a Bible discussion time in which each collegian goes over the Bible message for the night. One of the boys asks Shawn about his salvation. Shawn is moved that someone would care enough to ask him, but he answers yes, he has accepted Christ as his Savior.
After a break, the teams combine for a rollicking Hyper-ball game in the volleyball court with a large beach ball. Then after the service, the whole gang heads to McDonald's for Cokes. Even though these teams were in competition, Shawn notices that there is no animosity towards one another. The teens all get along great. He's once again "rushed" by the other teams, because they know he has a week to make up his mind. Each team sits down and makes a presentation to him, asking him to join them.
As his folks pick him up, the group yells their good-byes and renews their call for him to join up with them next week. Shawn grins and realizes he has never, ever experienced something as wild as this.
And you know…he promises himself he will be back next week.